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HYDAC压力传感器EDS 8000-技术数据
点击次数:1493 更新时间:2015-10-26

HYDAC压力传感器EDS 8000-技术数据

Available versions:

The EDS 8000 is an easy to set electronic pressure switch of compact design. Variants with one or two PNP transistor switch outputs are available. The setting of the switching points is accomplished using two pressure buttons and one four-character digital display. The switch position is signalled during operation by a green or red background illumination, respectively. For optimum adjustment to the respective application, the device offers a multitude of additional setting parameters, e.g. switching delay times, opener/closer functions for the outlets. The EDS 8000 is available in various pressure ranges between 0 ... 25 bar and 0 ... 600 bar. The main applications of the EDS 8000 are pressure and limit value messages in the areas of hydraulics and pneumatics or wherever a high switching frequency or a constant switching accuracy is more than mechanical pressure switches can provide.

  • Menu navigation in accordance with VDMA
  • 1 or 2 PNP transistor switching outputs
  • Robust stainless steel measuring cell
  • Accuracy class ±1% FS max.
  • 4-character digital display
  • Multi-colour switching display
  • Protection class IP 67
  • Simple handling through key programming
  • Many helpful additional functions

HYDAC压力传感器EDS 8000-技术数据

1. 压力传感器正确安装方法:

(1) 通过适当的仪表, 在普通大气压和标准温度条件下,核实压力传感器的频率反应值。

(2) 核实压力传感器的编码与相应的频率反应信号的正确性。

2. 确定具体安装位置

为了确定压力传感器的编号和具体安装位置, 需按充气网的各个充气段来考虑。

(1) 压力传感器必须沿着线缆进行安装, 安装在线缆接头处。

(2) 每条线缆装设压力传感器不少于4个, 靠近局的两个压力传感器, 相距不应大干200m。

(3) 每条线缆的始端和末端分别安装1个。

(4) 每条线缆的分支点应装1个, 如果两个分支点相距较近(小于100 m),可只装1个。

(5) 线缆敷设方式(架空、地下)改变处应装1个

(6) 对无分支的线缆, 因垒线的线缆程式一致, 压力传感器的安装隔距不大干500m, 并使其总数不少于4个。

(7) 为了便于确定压力传感器故障点, 除在起点安装压力传感器外,距起点150~200m处,还要另外安装1个当然在设计中, 一定要考虑经济与技术的因素, 在不需要安装压力传感器的地方,则应不必安装。


