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纽曼帝克气动元件BSG SRS BDU系列介绍

纽曼帝克气动元件BSG SRS BDU系列介绍

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纽曼帝克气动元件BSG SRS BDU系列介绍NUMATICS 自1945年创立,从美国密西根州的一个小工厂经过不断的努力、研究、发展与倾听客户需求,

纽曼帝克气动元件BSG SRS BDU系列介绍的详细资料:




  SRS Series Gantry SRS的系列龙门
The ball screw gantry provides precise positioning and high load carrying capacity. 滚珠丝杠龙门提供精确定位和高承载能力。 Thrust loads up to 7600 lbs. 推力负载高达七千六百英镑。 Suitable for mounting in any position; horizontal, vertical, on an incline, or inverted. more... 适合安装在任何位置,水平,垂直,在斜面,或倒置。 更多...

  SDU Series Screw Drive Unit *队系列螺杆驱动装置
The SDU series ball screw drive provides precise positioning and high load carrying capability. 该组系列滚珠丝杆驱动器提供精确定位和高承载能力。 High stiffness and repeatability characterize the ball screw drive. 高硬度和可重复性特点滚珠丝杠驱动器。 Stroke lengths to 19.7 feet are standard. more... 行程长度19.7脚标准。 更多...

  BSG Series Gantry BSG公司系列龙门
The BSG series carriage assembly is guided by two guide rods and supported by an independent bearing system. 系列的BSG的运输装配遵循两个导杆和一个独立的轴承系统的支持。 The guide rod and bearing system support the load while the ball screw drives the load. 该指南杆和轴承系统的负载 , 同时支持的滚珠丝杠驱动器的负载。 Each function is independent of more... 每个函数是独立于更多...

  BDU Series Belt Drive Unit BDU系列皮带驱动单元
The BDU series is a belt driven guided linear motion system utilizing a tooth-profiled belt to control position of its moving carriage. 该BDU系列是皮带驱动的指导直线运动系统利用一个齿,异型带 , 以控制其移动运输的立场。 This belt driven design provides modest load carrying capacity, high speed and very long stroke more... 驱动设计提供了温和的承载能力,速度快,很长冲程更多这带...

  FLM Stepper Motors & Drives FLM步进电机及驱动器
The FLM series stepper motors are available in both NEMA 23 and 34 frame sizes. 在FLM系列步进电机 , 可在两个类型NEMA 23和34帧大小。 Winding confirmations increase motor compatibility with most step motor drives. 缠绕大多数步进电机驱动器的确认增加电机的兼容性。 The FLM series are also compatible for most full, half and micro-stepping more... 在FLM系列也兼容zui全,半和微型步进更多...

  SERVO Motors & Drives 伺服电动机和驱动器
The Epsilon Series is the most compact digital servo drive in the Numatics lineup. 在小量系列是zui精巧的纽曼帝克系列数字伺服驱动器。 Designed to fit in cabinets as small as six inches (152mm) deep, with cables attached, Epsilon drives possess rugged quality and reliability more... 在机柜设计适合小到6英寸(152毫米)深附加电缆,小量的驱动器具有坚固的质量和可靠性更多...
SRS Series Rail Ball Screw Gantry SRS的系列铁滚珠丝杠龙门

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The SRS Series ball screw


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